The importance of establishing your credit in the United States.

Many people who intend to move to the United States or even those who have already taken up residence, be aware, your positive credit history will not travel with you. Because, in general, credit history is not transferred from one country to another. It is important to create new credit in the United States to qualify for loans, financing, credit cards and other business activities that require a good credit score. What is credit? “Credit” is when a party, usually…

FICO – how to repair, improve or create good credit.

Having good credit is extremely important in financing your property, car or any purchase involving financing. If you do not have good credit, you will not qualify for a loan or pay high interest on financing. Here in the United States there are several companies that monitor our credit. The most important are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Based on the report of these companies, the lender / banks stipulate the interest on your loan, the period in which the debt…

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Aliquam pellentesque tincidunt turpis, in consectetur purus congue sit amet. Donec a nulla mi. Quisque tincidunt arcu eu varius vestibulum. Phasellus sem urna, efficitur non ex vitae, vestibulum tincidunt dolor. Mauris volutpat mauris velit, eget malesuada ligula tempor malesuada. Nam id vestibulum sapien. Morbi rhoncus sem ut pharetra pretium. Proin ac tempor arcu, porta ornare sem. Phasellus convallis felis sed purus tristique, id commodo turpis varius. Donec cursus velit ut orci rutrum, in dictum purus imperdiet. Nunc nec placerat ex.…